Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Trust

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Good morning friends! Can you remember the last time you found yourself trying to make something happen?

Like getting someone to write you a really good recommendation letter (though no one asked for one) to go along with a job application? 

Like ensuring your son invited his sister to something though you know he didn't want to?

Like giving a project in your home your all (even beyond your ability to give) so there was that "wow factor" when the moment of revel happened?

You do things like this because you have a picture in your head of what you want to happen. While there is nothing wrong with a vision, it's easy to believe that if you go over and above-- you can control the outcome. 

Yet, such leaves out our word of the week: trust. 

Trust: dependence on something future or contingent, hope. 

So often I think the human experience comes low on trust. 

You don't believe that good things are going to happen. Or you've been so burned in the past that it's difficult to dream once more. 

So trust is the first virtue to go.

But what if? What if you led with trust, not control? What if you entered this day with a belief that things were working together for your good, even if it didn't feel like it in the moment? 

What if you didn't work SO HARD to make what you wanted to happen, happen? 

This year in particular, I've been renegotiating my relationship with trust. And, let me tell you what I've learned: trust can be so good. 

Trust is wonderful tool in the spiritual life. Trust can offer you rest, hope and surprises (that are often more beautiful than what you could have pre-planned in your head). 

Trust, you see, gives your life the space it ends to show you new things-- space you wouldn't have had if you were trying so hard . . . 

So who's with me this week? Less thinking, less striving and more trusting . . . 

I know there is beauty on the other side of "this thing" in your life you are holding on to so tightly. Trust!

