Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Stability

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Are you looking for a new adventure? Want a better job? A new living situation? Ready to hit the road for an epic vacation? Ready for a HUGE change in your life? Everything about advertising in our culture is trying to sell us this "better" right now.

To this enter this week's word the OPPOSITE of this: stability.

Stability: Constancy of character or purpose, steadfastness.

By this, I mean doing the same thing. Doing it well. Going deep where you find yourself planted.

In his book, The Wisdom of Stability my friend, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove makes a strong case for the spiritual practice of investing your life in a particular direction. He calls in question our "always looking for a better invitation" culture.

Saying might deeper roots in a particular place with particular people for the long haul be the most faithful way to live?

I have to tell you that as I read this book, I questioned Jonathan's reasoning. Wasn't Jesus a nomad? Weren't his disciples? Why shouldn't we be on the move? (Such is a common message that preachers like me are known to preach on)

But as I kept reading, I thought about those that I know who have stayed in one faith community for a long time or who have lived in the same neighborhood for many years or who have stayed in the same line of work for their entire career.

I thought about my in-laws who for most of their attended one church and together grew one business.

I thought about my friends, Beth and Danny who for over 30 years gave their summers to a youth camp organization that did service projects all over the world in partnership with local people who in turn became their dear friends.

I thought about my former roommate, Sarah who found the neighborhood where she wanted to live in after graduation and is committed to "being carried out in a box" from her address.

Stability-- though some might call it boring-- can be such a faithful way of life where beautiful lasting gifts can come to our week.

For stability is the fertile soul where lasting meaningful relationships can thrive.

Stability is the foundation of systemic social change that lasts.

Stability is often how you don't miss God's best gifts for your lives.

So, I'm asking you this week as you ponder about your grand "what I want to do next" list, how might you be called to stability?

How might stability be not a punishment for age or declining health or economic hardship but a GIFT for your spiritual journey?

How might you bring your whole heart this week to where you are now?

