Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Small

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I don't know about you, but the American dream (at least how I learned about it in my little corner of the world growing up) was always about bigger and better.

"Don't just get one degree after high school get two if you can!!"

Or, "Don't just get married in a private ceremony one day, but save and save so that you can invite everyone you know to a plated dinner!"

And then, "For goodness sake, don't just go into retirement with only the bare minimum to your name! Make sure your plans help you live out your later years in style!"

More is always preferred. Less is not. 

Even in faith communities too, right? We are living in the mega congregation era where small membership communities have a "less than" label.

But sigh.

This week I want to sit with less and our word of the week, small. Small defined as a size that is less than normal or usual.

I love this definition of small because it reminds us that there is nothing wrong with small other than the standard others have set as "normal." Yet, you and I might complain because we have-

A small job. 

A small family. 

A small house. 

You don't fit in with people you want to connect with. You don't think that what you have is enough. You look down on your small and so . . . 

You think you need to make more money. 

You think you need to have more influence in the world's biggest problems. 

You think you need to do as much as you were able to do 10 years ago in good health.

And so in bypassing small, you miss out on the beautiful moments that can be found with what you have!

If there is anything I'm learning since leaving a big city over 3 years go, it is that "a small life" is a life of my dreams. 

Take it from your girl who was chasing bigger and better and more influential opportunities for years -- the "big stuff" often doesn't bring your heart what it longs for most. 

Small does. It really does. 

So, I don't know how you need to make peace with what is smaller in your life (or what needs to be), but I do know this (say it with me) there is nothing wrong with small. 

Just be you, and I know your Creator will continue to lead you in what is yours to do this week.

