Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Nuance

Want to share this with someone?

Life is much easier when we know what is expected of us, and everyone agrees to the same things, right?

Such is why schools post lists of rules in classrooms. Such is why colleges make students sign codes of conduct. Such is why neighborhood associates have covenants. Everyone going in the same direction can feel good.

But life in relationships is not always that straightforward, or clear. And so, with this true, I want to sit with this word: nuance. 

Nuance: a slight difference or variation. 

When is the last time you allowed for the presence of nuance in how you saw a situation?

When is the last time you considered that while your life experiences might seem similar to someone else's story, no two journeys are the same?

When is the last time your opinions of others made room for nuance?

Walking the path of grace ALWAYS makes room for nuance. For example-

Just because your friend's brother tried particular type of treatment for cancer sucessfully, it doesn't mean such is what your neighbor needs to do too. . . 

Just because your cousin invited your estranged uncle back into your Thanksgiving table doesn't mean that you would need to do the same . . . 

Just because you have a strong religious conviction for who you vote for, doesn't mean that your neighbor is any less faithful if they make a different choice . . 

What difficult roads we build for ourselves to walk when we get stuck without nuance in our beliefs about the world and others. 

As I think about all that tears us a part from each other in community life in times like this, our leaning into nuance offers hope! 

Nuance allows you to be you and me to be me. And even more, it allows God to be God-- the only one after all, who can judge us. 

May nuance be a gift to you in the week ahead as you, dear ones, live in love! 

