When's the last time you did something just because you enjoyed it? When's the last time you made something or shared an idea just as it came to you? When is the last time you allowed yourself time to create?
Create our word for this week that means to bring something into existence or to birth something out of nothing.
Yet, today I'm wondering about the excuses we offer about our lack of creating. For, how many times have you heard someone say: “I’m not a creative person.”
I love what author Elizabeth Gilbert offers in her book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear about excuses we all give for our lack of creativity.
But this is what I believe about you: you were born to bring beautiful things into the world.
Art. Music. Cooking. Sewing. Woodwork. Organizing. Photography. Leadership. Writing. And so much more!
You have unique gifts to share that no one else can. NO. ONE. ELSE.
In fact, my soul needs you need you to create. Everyone around you needs you to create. God, the ultimate Creator made you to create. We are truly missing out if you hold back.
What’s one creative thing that brings you joy? Move toward that thing this week. Protect your time so it doesn't get written off the schedule. Your soul will thank you.
P.S. Interested in thinking more with me about the creative process? Here's a wonderful TED talk you can watch on YouTube also from Elizabeth Gilbert.