Word of the Week

Wedding Evangelism

IMG_0790I know some of you dear readers might think that I've gone off the deep end and some of you might applaud when at the title of the post, but please keep reading . . .

Last Sunday after worship, after lunch and after a worship team meeting, my day was not complete. Kevin and I were off to a 4 pm wedding that I was to officiate.

Several months ago, I had been asked to do a wedding for a friend of Kevin's, Jenny and her fiancee Tom. This was not a new occurence for it seems that ever since I met Kevin nearly four years ago, I've become the wedding chaplain of sorts for all persons associated with Kevin Hagan who do not go to church regularly.

I've embraced these opportunities and others that have come my way with folks outside of the church for the reason that it is a wonderful opportunity to practice wedding evangelism. By this I mean, the opportunity to connect folks with a pastor and a liturgies of the church that they would otherwise not have met or known.

Not in the traditional- win people to my faith way. Or, not in the hope to get new church members out of the wedding (though it would always be nice). IMG_0792

But, in the way I lead the service. Sticking with my guns to only do Christian weddings with scripture readings and prayer because I am a Christian minister and I don't know how to do anything else. And it is good for those of other faiths and those of no faith at all to experience a welcoming service in the Christian tradition instead of a watered down version of something else.

And, in the way of "Yes, I am a minister with professional skills, even though I don't look like one." God continues to call all types to ministry. And I might just be the first woman pastor or youngest pastor some folks attending the wedding have met. But, this is all good.

And, in the way of "Yes, being a minister does not mean that I am boring." I always make a point to dance at the reception if I am able to stay around. I do this not only because I personally like to dance (hey, pastors are people too), but because few have ever seen a pastor have fun. Oh the comments I've gotten at receptions . . . it is a fishbowl experience if I've ever had one.

Above all, I try to show through my presence that church and its leadership might not be as scary as past experiences or cultural references have led themIMG_0796 to believe. I hope to be accessible in my ordained status. In turn, I hope that what happens is evangelism.

The good news that God is nearer to them than they might realize. And, when the time arrises that the church might be of service to them that there are places of faith and their leadership that would welcome them with open arms.

This type of evangelism is one of my favorite parts of my profession.