Word of the Week

Time to Sit

As many of you have also experienced big life moments, you understand me when I say they are absolutely wonderful yet exhausting.

I remember how I felt on my wedding day. I could hardly sleep for weeks. I was so happy, but full of lots of nerves on the inside. So many people I loved in one space= joy but so much joy that I was overwhelmed with it all too. It was that gut in your throat type of feeling weighing on your shoulders. In the aftermath, I was tired for weeks to come.

This is how I've felt this week after the events of Sunday.

It has been my dream ever since I said "Yes" to this crazy thing called being a pastor that a group of people would actually acknowledge in me what I knew to be true about myself and call me to be THEIR pastor. 

And, on Sunday there was just no question that this actually happened. In front a room full of colleagues, dear friends and parents, I signed a pastoral covenant with Washington Plaza Baptist committing my best to them. It is as official as it is going to get now. manhattan20chair20pottery20barn1

So, all I know to do now is to sit and allow the goodness of the experience to be taken in.

Yet, the problem for this process to occur has been that I've experienced one of the craziest weeks ever, going nonstop with urgent concerns on my plate in the work of community building we're about at the church. (No rest for the installed pastor is the life I've signed up for . . . until vacation week comes, I guess).

Today, however, I've carved out some time to sit because I know this is exactly what my soul needs and even more so what the church needs from me. In between answering calls and emails and editing the newsletter, I'm finding some afternoon hours to just be. I'm just going to sit and find quiet again.

And as I sit, I'm going to continue to "ponder in my heart all these things" in a spirit of thanksgiving of all that has happened in my life over the past several months.

Though the wait seemed long for this moment in time, in the end all IS well. I can't ask for more than this. . . except maybe that the church leadership continues to be nice to me . . .