Word of the Week

Thanks for Reading

The funny thing about blogs is that folks can keep up with your life without even letting you know that they are doing so.  Can I say blog stalker? Even though this can be a little weird sometimes (I've had the experience of people who I don't know walking up to me and saying, "hey, I read that on your blog"), blogging is something I'm committed to because of the community it creates and because I just love writing.

I started this practice in January of 2006 when blogging wasn't cool and since then I've been blessed to have some loyal readers. These folks have followed alongside me through my last year of seminary, my first call, ordination, marriage, and now being "Preacher on the Plaza" in Reston.  Some have even joined me in keeping up with both my blogs, this one and my new writing adventure called, Re-Imagine.  Though many of the regular readers don't comment, I know they are still reading and am thankful for their supportive interest in my life.  It's such encouragement to me to know that my random musings means something to somebody and that hopefully I'm contributing something to the larger conversation of life and faith.

With this said, one of my faithful blog readers got to visit Washington Plaza on Sunday. Lawren, a friend from college,  has been following the story of Washington Plaza and I from the beginning and it was great for me to be able to show her and her husband, Jamin in person what I've been up to instead of her just reading about it second-hand. Lawren said she couldn't leave without a photo and I wanted to share this she sent me this morning.

Thanks, Lawren for reading and all those others of you out there (you know who you are)! I appreciate you and look forward to sharing much more of the journey together.