Word of the Week

Telling the Story Through Pictures

Sometimes pictures tell better stories than words do. Come share in more about our journey so far from some of our favorite photos.

The first group photo upon arriving in Jerusalem at our hotel. It's two preachers, a Rabbi an Imam and Kevin. 

At the Wailing Wall on the first morning in the Old City.

Aziz, our WONDERFUL tour guide speaking to us on the Mount of Olives.

Kevin in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in a tomb that is much like the one that Jesus rose from.

Me before the camel ride . . .

And during . . .

Our WONDERFUL tour guide and a local Imam from East Jerusalem who told us about the joy and the hardships of his work.

After being invited in to a lovely lunch at a local Palestine tribal leader's home in Hebron.

The spot at the church of the Navity where Jesus is said to have been born.

Talking with my Rabbi friend from the States, Rob, at the King David Hotel.

My first press conference, along with my traveling companions as we got to share the good news of what we had seen about peace making with some local media.

I am getting a mini-sermon in as seen by my waving my hands all about . . .

Looking over into the border of the West Bank and Gaza.

A rocket (0ne of the thousands) found in towns close to the border that we visited. This one was in Sarohat. Evidence of war is so painful to see.

No one can say we aren't examining all sides. This is us at PLO headquarters with one of the presidential guards who really wanted a picture with us.

John, pastor from Reston, standing at the wall (on of many around the country). This one divides the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. No longer can you travel this way directly . . . walls are this region's way of keeping the peace, or so they think.

Kevin's reaction to this same wall was that it reminded him of his time in Berlin in the 1980s before the wall fell. I look forward to the day when I can say that this wall is no longer too!