Word of the Week

Good morning friends!

Can you remember the last time you got into a squabble with a co-worker or friend? Maybe you were trying to be helpful or kind but what you did wasn't received that way? Maybe you had the best of intentions, but . . . 

You forgot to ask for this week's word before you acted: permission. 

Permission: the act of allowing someone to do something, or of allowing something to happen.

I've thought a lot recently about how powerful the experience of asking for permission can be in relationships. Asking simple questions like:

"Would it be helpful for me to show up with you at this?"

"Can I tell you more about what I am going to do before I begin?"

"I would really like to stop by tomorrow. Would that be ok?"

This is not to say that we always must ask before we do-- for certainly there are situations in life/relationships that ask us to follow our gut and just show up. But truly, there is a time and place for the gift of permission.

Even if you are in a caregiving role (and it's just your job to do certain things) or if you know the person really well (and hey you've done this act may times before), seeking permission creates space for the best things to happen. 

For here's the thing: asking for permission empowers others and it empowers you too. Permission helps you remember where you begin and then where others start. 

For none of us is so intertwined with someone else that we can't say no. 

To seek permission is to remember that what might feel helpful to you might not feel the same to someone else.

To seek permission is to make space for anxieties that might limit another's capacity to show up. 

To seek permission is let go of control you might want to have over a situation.

The most lovely divine gifts show up for you and me when we don't try to force anything, but with grateful hearts just receive what others want to give us. 

Hoping this week is full of spaciousness in your days for yourself and your people! Listen to the nudges to seek permission.

