Word of the Week

The past week, how many times have you had to change your plans? Or put a hope for the future on hold?

In the covid-19 world we are living in, we are constantly pivoting, aren't we? We never really know what is going to happen or how long some bit of freedom might last. Control of our circumstances - what's that?

These are the facts. But I'm wondering today how can you respond to all of this constant change?

Well, our word of the week might be one option:

Nimble: to be quick and light in movement or action.

Being nimble speaks to the HOW. How do you respond to every cancellation, delay, or disappointment? How do you lean into wellness when the constant changes make you feel so out of sorts?

Being nimble offers us this gift: gratitude. Gratitude for whatever moments of joy present themselves. Letting go of what you do not know (like when this will be over). And simply being present in the life you DO have.

Easier said than done, right?

My husband often makes commitments with the caveat: "Lord willing and the creek don't rise." I admire how he leaves space for what might be outside his ability to control. (And makes us laugh in the process).

In your life right now, the "creek rising" might be a positive covid test or a school closing. It might be a loved one in the hospital or stuck in seemingly unending quarantine. Or it might even be the absence of simple pleasures like your favorite item not being available at the grocery store or your favorite shop closed due to lack of staffing.

But even when these things happen, you can be nimble in your re-direction of your energy toward what actually serves your well-being.

Will you let go of your illusion of control? Or will you hold on tighter and let bitterness eat away at you?

I know you are tired. OVER. IT. Covid fatigue, we all have it, right? But, with a nimble disposition you can keep going. You can! You can move toward rest, play, connection and joy when it finds you (even if it doesn't come in the way you might have originally planned).

There is a Shaker hymn that is one of my favorites: "Tis the Gift to be Simple." (The Yo Yo Ma and Allison Krause version is my favorite).

I love the line that says, "To turn, turn will be our delight, Till by turning, turning we come round right."

This is is where we are as spiritual beings right now-- we are being asked to nimbly turn, turn so that we come round right.

My friend: you may not always know where you are turning, but that's OK. God is with you, guiding you, and nudging you along in the paths meant just for you.

Cheering you on in your nimble ways this week!

