Word of the Week


Life is just one big transition isn't it?

Life at Washington Plaza continues to be in transition. The way I see it, we are not where we used to be but we are not where we are meant to be, yet.

Life in the Hagan household is in transition too. We bought our first house and moved in over the weekend.

As I see it, to be a pastor of a church in transition and as I stare at the piles of boxes in my basement that seem to speak saying, "Unpack me, unpack me" I am reminded that the one thing that we most crave as human beings: security.

We want to know where our next meal will come from. We want to know where our stuff is. We want to know who our friends are. We want to know that life is going to be ok even when we couldn't possibly know how.

A dear friend of mine sent me last week a coffee table book on the topic of security last by Charles M. Schulz.  Through the voices of the popular "Peanuts" characters, I found some truth about all of this again this morning. Here are a few of the statements that seem particularly poignant right now.

Security is having your socks match.  -Linus

Security is owning your own home. -Snoopy

Security is having naturally curly hair. -Frieda

Security is having someone to listen to you. -Sally Brown

Security is knowing all your lines. - Linus

Security is knowing there is some more pie left. - Charlie

Security is being able to touch the bottom. -Sally Brown

Security is knowing you aren't alone. -Linus

God will continue to show us what the next steps for our church are and we will keep unpacking (must find my socks soon!). But in the meantime, my hope for this day for us is that we may rest in the security of knowing that God really loves you and loves you a lot. This is something that is never in transition.