Word of the Week

Prayer for Our President

Today has been a huge day for all of us.

The emotion, the beauty of it all is more than many of us have seen in a long time.

People of all walks of life coming together.  Cheering!

Communities standing together with joy.

Hope born again for our nation.

All I know how to do is pray-

President Obama:

May the grace of God be on you. May the light of Goodness shine on you. May the love of your Creator surround you.

May you know that there are so many of us that are proud of your courage, your strength and your perseverance.

May those who you lean on give you great encouragement for the challenges that lie ahead.

May your honeymoon period be long. May harmful words not discourage you.

May you have power to lead that can only come from humble insight. May you use your power to help our country become our better self.

And, may we as your fellow citizens always remember to lift your name in prayer-- for the burdens you bear are not yours alone, for they are ours as well. To work we will all go with God as our ever great source of strength so that all people will know that there is a love in this world stronger than anything we'd ever know on our own.