Word of the Week

Participating in Lent

My Washington Plaza friends:

Tthese are some suggested ways to make the 40 days of Lent, a time of spiritual renewal of the Christian Year, more meaningful.  Consider the following and know there are many other opportunities out there too. The idea is to do something that might challenge you as we all prepare our hearts for the JOY of the Easter season.

 SERVICE- in doing so, considering others more than yourself

  • Volunteer to make bag lunches, prepare a dish and/or serve at hot meal at the Hypothermia Shelter during our church’s night. Opportunities coming up this Saturday (February 20th) and March 6th. By doing so, you might just learn more about the needs of the homeless in Reston. See Nancy Mohl or Nancy Davis to find out more.
  • Give a couple hours of your time to sort clothes and other donated items at The Closet in Herndon.  By doing so, you’ll be providing assistance to those in our community who need basic household supplies and clothes.  Phone # (703) 437-7652
  • English as a Second Language Ministry at Washington Plaza. Come observe a session on Sunday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon or Thursday evening and find out more about how you can help those without basic English skills in our community. See Nancy Davis for more information.

SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT- in doing so, making God’s word a priority in your life

  • Worship 11 am on Sunday mornings. Our sermons will be focused around the theme of “The Seven Deadly Sins.”  Consider reading the scriptures ahead of time so to prepare yourself for worship.


DateSin of Focus / Scripture
February 21Greed- Deuteronomy 26: 1-11; Luke 4:1-13
February 28Envy- Luke 9:28-43; Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
March 7Lust- Corinthians 10:1-12
March 14Gluttony-  Luke 15:11-32
March 21Pride-  John 12:1-11
March 28Anger-  Luke 19:28-40


  • Daily Devotions: Consider doing a spiritual reading of some sort every morning or evening every day. If you have internet access, a great source of Lent specific devotions can be found at: www.d365.org/journeytothecross (and the music is great so be sure to turn the volume up on your computer to hear it). 

STUDY- in doing so, making spiritual growth more meaningful

  • Consider attending the Sunday morning Bible class at 9:30 am, even if you’ve never been or haven’t attended lately. Join in the discussion with others around the table about the book of Galatians.  Though not everyone always agrees, it is safe environment to grow and explore the Christian faith.
  • Make your plans to attend- Conversations with the Pastor on three Wednesday nights in March. It will be a great opportunity to examine deeper the concept of sin as discussed in the sermons and with help from Barbara Brown Taylor’s book: Speaking of Sin- the Lost Language of Salvation. We’ll gather for Study on the third floor on Wednesday, March 10th, 17th and 24th.

SOCIAL AWARENESS- in doing so, asking God to re-shape your world view

  • On Sunday, March 14th as we talk about the sin of gluttony in worship, be watching for special plans for how you can participate in/ contribute to hunger needs around the world.
  • Eat one meal in silence over the course of at least 30 minutes. As you eat, chew your food carefully, savoring each bite. As you do, think about contents of your meal. Asking yourself: “Where did this come from? Who grew my food? Who transported my food? What sacrifices were made so that I could eat this?” As you do, consider what their lives are like now. Do some research later to learn more if questions arise. Consider: do you like what you learned?
  • Consider giving extra funds that you might spend on unnecessary items like soda, coffee out of the house, new clothes, or even a nice meal out to the missions at WPBC. This fund provides money to members of the congregation going through difficult times, grants to local, national and international ministries and also to our main ministry partner Reston Interfaith.  By doing so, you will be sharing your resources with those who need God’s love the most.

And, this is only the beginning of possibilities. Any other ideas to share for how you are going to deepen your faith during Lent this year?

Pastor Elizabeth