Word of the Week

Modern Music and the Psalms

There's some new exciting buzz around the church at 9:30  now. We've added to our adult faith formation classes offered with what is not your typical Sunday School class.  Now, not only do you have the choice of attending a discussion group in the Plaza room based on William Barclay's commentary on the book of Acts, but there's also a class called "Modern Music and the Psalms" meeting on the third floor.

It's taught by one of my most favorite people, my husband along with some assistance from time to time by Jane Tatum and others.

Originally this class was designed to draw in some of the young professionals to the church, but this class has expanded to include members of all ages.  The choir has even changed their regularly scheduled Sunday morning rehearsal time so that they can attend (Thanks, Ken!)

Special thanks to our friend, Amy over at Calvary Baptist for directing us to this great curriculum where each week a modern song is played and compared to a particular Psalm from the Bible. So far the group has studied artists such as the Indigo Girls, Tori Amos and I hear Kanye West is coming up soon.

At the end of the course, each group member's assignment will be to submit their own modern song with a corresponding Psalm.  The hope is for each student in the class to better see how faith and life merge in more ways than they realize in a given week. And furthermore, it will be the curriculum that keeps on giving to other churches like Calvary did with us!

What I like about the buzz I'm hearing out of this class is that really community seems to be forming. People are sharing their lives with each other as they talk about the songs. There aren't discussion topics off-limits and scripture is seriously probed in light of our modern context.

From what I hear, the group is excited already about what to study next. They have already been throwing around ideas about movies with scriptural themes and tv shows that have much to teach about life in Christian community.

If you are looking for a place to grow in faith and community with ours, consider joining the "Modern Music and the Psalms" class next week. There's coffee and pastries waiting for you! All are welcomed.