Word of the Week

Making Room for Advent

Tonight, we begin a new series of spiritual formation at Washington Plaza. We'll be gathering at 7 pm for an Advent Vesper's service to have a time of prayer, quiet mediation and discussion about how we can live more fully into the Advent way of life. The book, The Uncluttered Heart will be our guide.

I love how the book by Beth A. Richardson from Upper Room publishing frames its work around the readings for year C lectionary. I am excited about how it is going to be such a great tool for connecting small group discussion to our Sunday morning worship time.

This was the quote I especially liked from Monday's reading for this week. It is by Heather Murray Elkins: " A willingness to hope is a willingness to enter the wilderness. Hope is not a domesticated state of mind. It seems to camp out in odd places, crops up at the worst possible times. Just as we resign ourselves to the minimum wages of life with no benefits, hope whispers that we shouldn't settle for despair's bottom line. Hope thrives in the barren places of our lives."

If you are in Reston, I hope you will join us Wednesday nights this December for this great opportunity for practicing Advent. Maybe together we can learn to HOPE anew!