Word of the Week

Lessons Learned from Ted

225px-Ted_Kennedy,_official_photo_portrait_crop1. You can get more things done if you make friends. It is no understatement to have made a friend.

2. If you fail, if you mess up, say you are wrong. People will respect you for that.

3. Find your purposes in life, even if it not what you first imagined for yourself, and live it out with gusto.

4. When life hands you a tragedy, the best you can do is get up, support the ones you love, and do what you can to make the world a better place.

5. Work and play can be mixed-- a bit douse of both makes for great fulfillment in life.

6. It is good to make friends, with those you don't like. Living into the best of what humankind can be comes as Democrats are friends with Republicans, liberals are friends with conservatives and those who seemingly have nothing in common find common ground.

7. Matthew 25 can be a be a guiding light for those who care about serving the least of these . . . even those who choose to serve from the halls of Congress.

8. Marriage can serve as great stability to a person-- marriage where both persons are seeking the best for the other person above all else.

9. When hard times comes, it is good to be surrounded by a community of prayer especially in the church.

10.  And, finally, "The fundamental trait of our society is how it treats the least of those among us." -Ted Kennedy