Word of the Week

I'm So Angry!

It seems in our country this week in particular manifestations of anger are everywhere.

Red states against blue states. Maps with opposing districts with bull's-eyes on them. Rocks thrown at windows. Death threats because I disagree with your politics.

Have we really come to this?

Though it is human nature to have blinders on and for selfishness to reign in our relationships, our nation's displays of anger are taking on a new life of its own.

Government leaders have become the easiest folks to blame. (As it seems a completely new slate of officers in Washington will be on docket the next time election season rolls around).

Protesters on all sides of the issues march with hate filled signs about the opposing viewpoint's leaders. No one seems to be setting any sort of better example of how we can find a way to work together. . .

Passions are just too high for what we need most like reconciliation, consultation, or even actually listening to the opposing team. 

This Sunday, quite timely to these debates going on in our city, the sermon focus will be on the seventh deadly sin: anger.

The sin when we according the Merriam-Webster is defined as "a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism."

We'll be taking our direction from the events of the last week of Christ both from the Jesus' ride into Jerusalem with loud shouts by the crowds: "Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" to the shouts by the same crowds: "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"

How is it then that both of these voices can come from our lips?

How is it that anger comes seemingly out of nowhere in us?

What might be the Christian response to unmet expectations? Are loud shouts in protest: "This is not what I WANT! You are wrong and I am right" the only the tools we have when conflicts arise?

Join us on Sunday to find out.  Come with your anger. Come with your frustrations. Come with your feelings of discontent as we discover what the example of Christ might have to teach us about all of this. The hope is that we as a church can model a different way as a community of faith of what follows the "I'm so angry!" cries of our hearts.