Word of the Week

Happy Mother's Day

Though it is a joyous day of celebration for many, Mother's Day can be awkward in churches.  I have heard countless horror stories of how something a pastor said on Mother's Day scarred a woman for life. I've heard some really bad sermons of what it means to be a "good woman" that should never be a subject of a sermon, ever. And, I know the pain of loss for those who no longer have their mothers on earth can be very sad.

At Washington Plaza, my hope is that we can acknowledge this cultural day, but reclaim some notions of it too from life in the Kingdom of God where love is always exalted and community relations of all kinds are encouraged. 

I came across this litany this week and am choosing to include it in our service tomorrow. I love the inclusive nature of the words-- a real celebration of all women and the roles they play in all of our lives no matter the situation. I thought I'd include a portion of it as a Mother's Day prayer for those of you who might not be with us tomorrow in worship.

Mothers come in many different forms, and today we celebrate them all! Thank God for mothers!

For those women who have joined God in Heaven and whom we miss dearly here on earth.
Thank God for the mothers of the past.

For every woman who is working day and night to raise her children right now.
Thank God for the mothers of today.

For the women who took in others' children through adoption and foster care.
Thank God for the mothers with hearts so big.

For those women who have lost a child to death and must carry on.
Thank God for the mothers who are so strong.

For all the women who have desperately wanted to have children of their own, but chose instead to mother everyone else.
Thank God for the mothers in spirit.

We thank you, Lord, for the women who have influenced our lives in so many ways. We pray that we will honor them in everything we do. Amen.