Word of the Week

Good Family News

About 2 weeks into my tenure at Washington Plaza, we got difficult news. After planning and reorganizing our move based on my job and Kevin's job, signing a lease agreement on a place to live, and so much more, we heard the most unexpected: Kevin's job would be ending soon. His employer decided they could make more money if they closed the entire buliding. What a load this was to hear and take in! Somehow all the stories I'd heard of these hard times had come to our doorstep. It was all very real.

Soon, however, Kevin was offered back his job if he would move to Chicago, where his company was moving the Maryland office.

But, we knew this just could not be. We both felt strongly that Reston was the community where I was to serve and that Washington Plaza was a God-given opportunity for me. We rejected the offer and prayed that something would come up. (Some people told us we were crazy to not take a job in this economy, but nonetheless, it is what we did).

In the meantime, thanks to Kevin's work ethic, his new boss in Chicago kept extending his tenure. First to June and then until July. His last day was to be July 10th (this past Friday).

I have to say that this winter and spring have been scary times for us. While I was relived that Kevin was still working, I knew the worst could happen. I knew that we might be forced to live off of my income (which would not be enough) and think about words like food stamps, unemployment lines, etc. Since January, we cut back expenses and planned for the worse. Besides work related trips, we've done no major traveling (which is our favorite thing especially as our families living far away).

But, good news came just in time, proving God's faithfulness once again. The future is looking just a little more clear.090320_GoodNews_wide-horizontal

On Thursday, Kevin was offered the position of Vice President of Development of Gifts in Kind in Alexandria, VA. It is a promotion for him in title.  And,  his first venture into the non-profit world after spending lots of time in government related positions and most recently in corporate America. He's excited about the challenge of working for an organization that is a distribution center for hundreds of other charities internationally. You can read more about it here.

There are so many reasons that this job is good for our family at this point in our lives. I'm glad Kevin's commute time will be significantly less.  I'm happy he'll be around more during the week. (For the past couple of months, he's spent 2-3 days every week in Chicago). I can drag Kevin to the gym with me more. We'll both work and live in the same state. And, it will be interesting to see how my connections in the church world are able to connect with the mission of Kevin's job as he settles in.

Thank you Washington Plaza and other dear friends for your support and prayers. We are are glad to be staying put.