Word of the Week

First 100 Days (Or Maybe Just 90)

I recently wrote this as a pastoral column for our monthly publication. I thought I'd share it again here.

There is a lot of talk these days in the media about the first 100 days in office for our President. If you turn on any major news network, they will quote to you how close he is to finishing this crucial marker in his term of presidency. 90-days


While Obama gets 100 days, I recently read in the book The First 90 Days by the Harvard Business School Press that in the professional world you only get 90 days to set the tone. This is a time period of great significance between the leader and the organization to see if they are a good fit for one another and especially for the leader to define the values he or she is bringing into the culture of the organization.


As I write this article, I have completed my first 90 days, a mile marker our new venture called church together. This has been an intentional time period for me.


I hope that you have sensed my excitement about the mission of this organization. And, that you are beginning to see some communal values that I am very passionate about:


·         Quality in presenting ourselves to others:  such as on the website, newsletter and bulletin each week

·         Christ-centered teaching and worship that is thoughtful, reflective and engaging

·         Open lines of communication between church office and congregation with the utmost of professionalism

·         Spaces in community life for sharing ideas, dreams and engaging in reconciliation with one another when differences occur

·         Warmly welcoming those who visit or attend regularly to consider church membership


My hope is that as we continue to grow in our relationship together, these values will continue to define our presence in the Lake Anne, Reston and greater Washington DC community. My hope is that more and more people who need to know that churches like ours exist will find us. And, that they will be encouraged by our ministry.


Know that in the months ahead, I will continue to work hard at strengthening all we do, and that in the process, I ask for your help. Hold your church staff accountable for giving our best to God in our service here. Talk to a member of the Church Council for how you can participate in the 2009 Church Goals. Invite a friend or neighbor to join you in worship one Sunday. Continue to give of your talents to God in this place.


As we all continue to work together, the sky is really the limit for us here!

Pastor Elizabeth