Word of the Week


I am bursting with excitement it seems as I look forward to this coming Sunday and all of the installation activities.

Kevin and I are excited to have both sets of our parents in town, from Georgia and Tennessee.

I'm excited that friends from as far away as North Carolina are coming to play a role in the service.

I'm excited to have such respected colleagues all in the same room together.

I'm excited for Washington Plaza Church to feel the energy of this new beginning coming from the support of our friends and family.

I'm excited for the buzz of happiness that has been around the church for weeks-- that something new is happening and that we have a good future together in the works.

I'm excited for the church to have a day to truly feel proud of the intentional process it underwent to hire the 4th minister in its history.

I'm excited for the church leaders to see the sanctuary full again after years of wondering if it would ever happen.

I'm excited to hear the joy in the voices of the choir after all the planning our choir director has put in.

I'm excited about all the great food I know the cooking teams will turn out for the lunch and also for the reception afterwards.

What a joyous time for all of us!