Word of the Week

Easter Sunday in Review

It has been said that Easter and Christmas are the days that most Christian churches are at their fullest. Such a statement is usually made in a negative tone of voice too, especially by regular church goers and pastors directed toward the crowd who only come 2x a year. And, while I do not dispute this fact, I've been thinking more about this topic recently, especially after experiencing the joy of Easter Sunday only two days ago.

I don't think we have to have such a negative approach.

Our little church had 40 more people in attendance this Easter than last year.

We had a fabulous lunch together after worship where an Easter meal was shared by all (like we do every Sunday). Instead of just individuals and family groups doing their own thing, we ate together as a sign of our common life as a church.

There was excitement in the air throughout the day with more children in the children's program than in a long time, the choir singing beautiful pieces, and even a NEW MEMBER joining the congregation at the conclusion of the service. (I can't wait to baptize now at least 2 adults on a Sunday in May!)

We were living into resurrection on Sunday morning. We were mirroring what the entire Christian year is to be about. If we never saw what it was to be on at least one Sunday, how would you expect the church to have any hope the rest of the year?

Though some many say all of these things were overrated, that it was just about a fluffy Sunday when people feel they are expected to come to church, I have to believe it was about so much more.

It was a day to remember why we call ourselves a Christian Church.

It was a day to remember that being a Christian is a joyous thing, even as we live in a world of hardship.

It was a day to remember that God has great plans for our community.

It was a day that the pastor tried to give all she could to the sermon because she knew this might be the church's only chance to encourage some folks about the life of faith.

Of course it would be nice that the same big crowd that came on Sunday was in the pews again this week. Yet, knowing this is probably not the case, I still have a lot to celebrate on this first week of Eastertide.

I'm already excited about how our congregation will be even more spiritually formed by our next Easter together.