Word of the Week

Dreams for the Future

There's a sign that sits in my office that I found at a flea market last year. It reads: "There's nothing like a dream to create the future."

Such is the season that Washington Plaza is entering this fall. Stewardship month is coming soon in October or otherwise known as the time of year when we are all asked to consider anew what our contributions of time, talent and finances will be to the church in the upcoming year.

This year, however, the focus is just a little bit different. Our theme will be "Building a Legacy of Faithfulness." Our hope is to build on the legacy of service, justice and love in this church so to inspire more in the future. We are being asked by our finance committee to speak aloud what some of our dreams and visions are for the church as we turn our glaze to what is ahead. We're taking our cues from Joel 2:28: "I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions." All with the hopes that as we begin to speak to one another the good realities of God in our midst, our future's paths will become more clear to all of us.

This is where you come in "What are you dreams or visions for the church in 2011?" Feel free to share them here in the comment section or shoot me an email.

We'll be using all the responses we collect in our worship services in October, and thanks in advance for your participation!