Word of the Week

Do Something for Good on the Plaza

On Monday, October 19th, a version of a popular fundraising event in the DC area is coming to the Lake Anne Plaza, a fundraising event to support one of our ministry partnn255698640226_2053ers, Reston Interfaith.

Washington Plaza Baptist Church was one of the founding members of Reston Interfaith,  a community organization that seeks to tacticle important issues such as homelessness, housing, childcare, job training and so much more! Currently, our church trustee, Anne Strange, serves on the Reston Interfaith Board of Directors. And, our church actively participates in many programs including homeless advocacy and the Hypothermia Project each winter.

Washington Plaza/Laurel Learning Center Mini-Walk

WPBC has been invited to participate in a Mini- Walk with Laurel Learning Center on Monday afternoon, 4-5pm on October 19. If you would like to participate (cost for adults is $25) but don't want to walk you can sponsor one of the children at Laurel Learning Center at a cost of $15.00 per child.

We will walk together beginning at Laurel Learning Center with the hope of not only raising money for a good cause but to get to know our neighbors better, especially the children who play on the playground on the back of our church's property.

This is an event for the entire Lake Anne community, not just our church. We invite you to either come and walk or think of sponsoring a child. Registration forms are available on our website under the ministries tab. They can be mailed to the church if you are unable to deliver them personally.

Our goal in Reston is to have at least 3,000 walkers (or those who pay and walk remotely) in these Walk for the Homeless events so that the Fannie Mae Foundation will donate $50,000 to the important work of Reston Interfaith. Ending homelessness is something that we can all get behind, no matter our faith creed or persuasion, so won't you join me in supporting this wonderful event on the Plaza?  See you there!