Word of the Week

Art Comes to the Church on the Plaza

Today in worship we began a new sermon series called: Practicing Resurrection. We will be taking our cues for the next six weeks from Diana Butler Bass' book: Christianity for the Rest of Us and thinking about the values that our congregation can embody as we seek the new life Christ offers us. (If you are interested in learning more about the worship series, click here).

One of the exciting parts of planning for this series for me was how the community seemed to get involved. While attending a Lake Anne Merchant Association meeting two months ago, I asked the business owners for their input into how the church could better partner in the neighborhood. I explained my desire to have more art in the sanctuary as our walls are perfect for gallery type showings.

And, before I too many words of my plea out, Pat Macintyre, founder of the Reston Art Gallery spoke up and told me about the Gallery's community art project: the desire of the gallery's artists to get more of their work out where the people are. I was thrilled to hear about this and began arranging the details with her. I went to the gallery and had the opportunity to select paintings which would fit in nicely with the themes.

Today's worship focus was hospitality. This is the painting that was displayed at the front of the sanctuary to go along with the theme. Congregation members we asked to meditate on it during our five minutes of silent reflection (which we have together each Sunday). april-2009-009

 The title of the painting is "The Conversation" by Reston artist, Joan Kelly. We were blessed to start off our series with it. In the future weeks, we'll be examining topics such as diversity, justice, worship, testimony and discernment.

We look forward to an opportunity to open up our doors to the community to celebrate the work of the great artist in our display before they have to go back to the gallery.

Below are some photos of some Washington Plaza folks hanging up and enjoying the artwork. It is great to be practicing resurrection with these wonderful folks!april-2009-007

