Word of the Week

Advent Memories

Advent is such a wonderful time to be connected to a church . . .

You are given a sense of family, no matter if you are biologically related to those around you or not.

You are surrounded with opportunities to swap Christmas cookies and share in the joy of spending time with people who know the reason for the season.

There are chances galore to hear good music, sing carols and light candles in celebration of something greater than yourself.

The following are among some of the photos of our church life over the past month of festivities including special worship services, a Christmas concert and other church fellowships. Enjoy!

Two of our choir member share a moment of joy!

Kirby shares with us on the fourth Sunday of Advent Worship Service.

Snow comes to the Plaza!  (And look how beautiful our new puplit on the roof looks!)

The reading of the Christmas story at the Christmas Concert.

Sharing in Christmas treats after the Concert

Ken playing at the service of Light in the Darkness-- a service of grief for those who mourn.

It is amazing how good a small group can sound!