Word of the Week

A Proud Alumna

Pardon the personal post, but here goes: Though it went against all Biblical narratives of rooting for David instead of Goliath, I was proud to cheer on Duke last night to become the 2010 NCAA national champion!  Butler played a great game and I have much admiration for the way they played and carried themselves, BUT it was a good night for those wearing Duke blue in the end.

I was even more prouder to see the divinity students with the divinity signs in the background during this interview at half-time.

I had a wonderful experience at Duke Divinity and would highly recommend it to other pastors and theologians seeking to do great things for the church!  And, know if you attend, you'll have a great distraction of community building during basketball season too. Some of my fondest memories on campus center around watching basketball. It's hard to leave the university and not be hooked.

Already looking forward to next year!